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Appeal to the authority of the research and the bible in the christian yoga debate

Learn what the Bible says about Meditation, herbs, essential oils, and new moons

Discern exactly which new age practices christians needs to adapt or avoid

In this no-cost PDF, you'll learn the GROUNDED method I created to clean up my relating & help survivors of complex trauma do the same using complementary therapies. PLUS! Vet my sources with the 80 Bible verses that discuss crystals, laying on of hands, meditation, herbalism, essential oils and new moons. 

Bonus! Healing Moments: 5 Days of Ministry!

- Anointed Student

"Oh my goodness, Amanda!!!!! Your course is phenomenal. I am blown away!!!! This is an answer to prayer."

can christians do yoga?

Answer the Christian Yoga & Reiki Debate Once & For All