

Enjoyed this? Check out my 2-hour workshop + 40 pg workbook to go deeper!

Join my next workshop for just $27! Spend an afternoon discovering powerful functional medicine resources for healing, but before you do, here's a bonus 30 minute Betrayal Trauma Recovery masterclass to get you started.

Here's your next step!


STOP THE CYCLE of overwhelm and confusion in trauma ministry



Introducing The Attachment Kickstart Guide!


Hello there!


My name is Dr. Amanda Brees, EdD E-RYT500 CIAYT YACEP

After a twenty year battle with developmental trauma (and all the painful things that follow) I found a faster method...

Once I put the Yoga of Relationship™ method into practice, I began healing from the deep-rooted issues survivors face: somatic symptoms, unhealthy relationships, and unworthiness. By blending biblical naturopathy, pastoral counseling, Christian yoga therapy, and transpersonal psychology—the same approach that inspired AA—I now help others address the roots of their attachment, betrayal, and substance-related trauma. Through the wisdom of a Higher Power, we work toward recovery and healing from complex trauma.

In moments of deep emotional struggle, have you ever felt like traditional methods just weren't enough? I understand your pain, and that's why I've created this 17-page holistic psychiatry guide. You'll discover functional holistic nutrition and vitalist solutions for regulating your nervous system, alongside self-care tips from my expertise as someone with a doctorate in counseling. Download this guide now and take the first step towards a more fulfilling life.


Yes, please!

Holistic Psychiatry Guide

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

— Jesus | Matthew 11:28-30, mSG

So, what is yoga of relationship?

What does yoga have to do with relationship? Bhakti yoga translates as 'yoga of relationship' in English. It's devotional yoga therapy.

As a Biblical naturopath, pastoral counselor, & yoga therapist, I'm passionate about the intersection between faith, meditation, and traumatology. I'll never forget the moment in my life that hurt enough to finally surrender to God's will and stop running from my personal battle with childhood trauma and sexual assault: the moment I realized that I was now a twice divorced single mom despite extensive efforts to heal.

I felt deep shame at not being able to find happily ever I was broken.


Knowing about the problem didn't fix it.

I used to think that one more degree or healing certification would somehow 'fix' this unsettling feeling that I was uniquely beyond repair. Heck, I'd literally written a dissertation on familial trauma!

What I found was that I needed a streamlined method of actually implementing the work without a bunch of mental gymnastics.


Familial & attachment trauma is complex.

One of my mentors explained to me that it could indeed take the rest of my life to face this heartbreak that was running my life as an adult survivor.

I spent my twenties as an undiagnosed Army vet with PTSD struggling with relational chaos, housing instability, and financial hopelessness. I spent the better part of ten years as a single mom.


My life is living proof that healing is possible.

Standing on the other side now with calm, stable relationships, financial security, and deep faith, I can now see there was a faster way to move out of the darkness and into the light.

It wasn't just one more self-help book: it's a streamlined process of doing one's own relational trauma work to also help others.

Where next?

There is nothing wrong with you.

Despite what it might feel like now, you are already worthy of love. You don't need another self-help guru to tell you to love yourself. You need a step-by-step practical method to easily implement changes to move towards recovery without guesswork.

You're not alone on this journey.

I'm here for you and so is God. Even if you've been hurt by religion, connecting with a power outside of yourself is paramount in healing. Divine love is the only way to finally overcome the chaos of romantic human love in insecure attachment.

It's time to try something new.

I used to be the DIY queen. I would only ask for help if I absolutely could not do it myself. This is actually a trauma response! You are worthy of investing in the marriage, family, and motherhood life of your dreams--without delay.

Having doubts?

I compiled 80 Bible verses on natural health.

Essential oils, herbs, oils, & eco-Spirituality

If you're still wondering whether Christians can practice alternative medicine in alignment with integrity to faith, I've compiled my top verses I'd love to send your way!

Simply enter your information in the sign up box below and I'll send it right over!

Christian Spirituality E-Book

Get instant access to the 80+ Bible verses that reference crystals, new moons, herbs, essential oils, incense and laying on of hands!

✔️ 30-Min Lecture

We'll start the process with a 30-minute video lecture orienting you to the process. We'll cover transpersonal psychology, yoga therapy, and union and God-attachment.

✔️ Welcome

You'll introduce yourself to our community both in the discussion forum and in our private Facebook group. Network with peers, ask questions, and see results.

✔️ Framework

The 35 page workbook dives into the contemplation, faith, and trauma intersection in greater depth. It also provides a myriad of supportive habits and practices.

✔️ Exercises

Join our 20 minute video yoga class to jumpstart your healing process! You can use this practice, alongside your free yoga nidra, as part of your home practice.

✔️ Reiki

We'll learn the basics of faith-based reiki with a reiki talk and 20 minute guided reiki meditation. This meditation will kickstart the recovery process.

✔️ Ayurveda

This 60-minute ayurveda video course will provide a myriad of suggestions, hacks, and tips for incorporating naturopathic products and resources into your recovery.

take a look inside

Attachment kickstart workshop...

Here's exactly what you get

1. 35 Page Workbook (PDF)

2. A 2-hour yoga therapy workshop

3. Yoga & Meditation practices

Sounds great, but Why shouldn't I just keep Patch-working Healing?

KNOW what drives attachment injury well into adult relationships

EDUCATE yourself on how to stop relational trauma with meditation & more

GROW your life purpose of helping other heal relational trauma as well

STOP the endless patch-working that comes from not getting results

How would it feel to...

OVERCOME your broken heart and nervous system by rewiring neural pathways

Yes, i'm ready!



 The intersection between theology, trauma, and contemplation in family theory


The three positions regarding religious adaption of yoga as an interfaith practice


Your starting strategy for how to practice & teach contemplation for family trauma


Practice meditation for relational trauma in 6 written or audio meditations


Basic tools of contemplation as yoga therapy for relational trauma with naturopathy


Analysis of where you are and where you want to go in relationship inner work

Learning Objectives

want more support?

Here are your next steps!

Signature Naturopathy Coaching Packages

Explore personalized muscle testing packages that now include the full course!

Learn More

2 hr Workshop: Attachment Kickstart

Start addressing the childhood trauma & use naturopathy to recovery faster.

$9 Workshop

15 hr Mini-Course: Freedom from Heartbreak

Plus, 200 page e-workbook with somatic app for personal healing.

$39 Course