I'm a Holistic Counselor serving

As a pastoral counselor, Christian yoga therapist, & Biblical naturopath, Iā€™m committed to helping Christian mystics break free from toxic love cycles to find true love. My mission is grounded in my research study where I was the first to ground a working theory of faith-based complementary therapies for adult survivors of complex and family trauma into the research base. Call in the love of your life, WITHOUT taking years to unpack your childhood, blaming/shaming others, or patch-working to transform your recovery into purpose and walk in your destiny.

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christian mystics

My FREE Guide for Relationship Anxiety

Ready to get started?

Learn my four-step framework that helps Christian mystics heal toxic love cycles & complex trauma holistically. PLUS! Deep dive into my Step #1 process for bolstering your nervous system & adrenals in the wake of C-PTSD on your journey to call in true love & destiny - without spending years unpacking childhood wounds, blaming/shaming, or patch-working.

count me in! ā†’

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welcome, INSTA-friends!

Addressing religious trauma with sensitivity is paramount in your recovery from C-PTSD. So, wherever you're at in your journey - welcome!

Glad you're here!

The Biblical naturopathy & shamanic tools each survivor needs to end their struggle with relationship trauma & come home to themself. 

Trauma Healing Ministry for Christian Mystics



ready to level up your Recovery?
