I'm a Holistic Counselor serving
As a pastoral counselor, Christian yoga therapist, & Biblical naturopath, Iām committed to helping Christian mystics break free from toxic love cycles to find true love. My mission is grounded in my research study where I was the first to ground a working theory of faith-based complementary therapies for adult survivors of complex and family trauma into the research base. Call in the love of your life, WITHOUT taking years to unpack your childhood, blaming/shaming others, or patch-working to transform your recovery into purpose and walk in your destiny.
Learn my four-step framework that helps Christian mystics heal toxic love cycles & complex trauma holistically. PLUS! Deep dive into my Step #1 process for bolstering your nervous system & adrenals in the wake of C-PTSD on your journey to call in true love & destiny - without spending years unpacking childhood wounds, blaming/shaming, or patch-working.