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Reiki, a form of energy healing, often raises questions among Christians. Given its roots in Japanese spiritual traditions, many wonder if it is compatible with Christian beliefs. As a leading researcher with over 20 years of experience in biblical naturopathy, pastoral counseling, and Christian yoga therapy, I bring a unique perspective to this discussion. Understanding […]



God-Attachment: Understanding the Role of God in Family Systems Theory

God and Family Attachment             Knabb and Emerson (2013) explained the emerging theme of attachment in the psychology of religion. This fourth wave seeks to establish God as a member of the family system. God serves as a secure base for human connection. They assert that the metanarrative of Scripture involves a circle of attachment […]



What the Research Says About Christian Complementary Therapies for Familial Trauma

  “In summary, in this section, we have learned more about Centering Prayer by comparingit with mindfulness, a well-researched mindful practice. First, we notice that both types of contemplation have a similar goal; that is, helping practitioners wake up to who they are” (Blanton, 2011, p. 140).   “Mindfulness and Centering Prayer both share the […]



Christian Yoga as Lay-Ministry: Transpersonal Approaches to Pastoral Care

Pentecostal Faith Healing and Complementary Therapies. Brown (2014) has been following the charismatic and Pentecostal revivals sweeping North America for more than 10 years. During this time, she has noted an overlap between CTs and charismatics. Often, these conservative believers get disillusioned with modern medicine. Brown noted that Pentecostals tend to view spiritual healing in […]



Christian Transpersonal Psychology: Christian Meditation for Trauma

Trauma-Sensitive Yoga Therapy. Chanler (2017) advocated for the use of mindfulness as a tool to heal enmeshed interpersonal and family relationships. She used somatic awareness to help disentangled specifically from mother-daughter enmeshment. Ong (2021) and Ong et al. (2019) described trauma-sensitive yoga (TSY). This somatic healing method is specifically geared toward C-PTSD by increasing awareness, […]



The Real Impact of Developmental Trauma: What Every Christian Needs to Know

Betrayal Trauma A further subset of C-PTSD is betrayal trauma. Freyd et al. (2007) described betrayal trauma as a phenomenon of attachment failure. A child must create maladaptive survival strategies to survive abusive caregiving by a primary attachment figure. These coping mechanisms continue well into adulthood. These adult survivors who have experienced much betrayal can […]



Cultural Appropriation or Religious Accommodation in the Christian Yoga Debate

The future of this new age of American spirituality rests on the ability of all parties to enter the conversation with an ability to get to the bottom of the issue of Christian-suitability of CAM practices without further accusations of heresy, faddism, or appropriation. Instead, the CAM mechanism of action ought to get critiqued without […]



The New Age of Christian Spirituality & Healing

CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION Introduction The study surveyed a large body of research on three topics: (a) Christian ministry and pastoral counseling, (b) complex relational and family trauma, and (c) complementary and alternative medicine. The topic of this study is—The new age of Christian healing and spirituality: A meta-synthesis exploring the efficacy of complementary therapies for […]


Meet Dr. AManda Brees, Biblical Naturopath, Pastoral Counselor & Christian Yoga Therapist

Your Guide to Faith-Based Trauma Recovery

Are you seeking a pathway to healing that integrates faith with effective, evidence-based methods? Dr. Amanda Brees is here to guide you through trauma healing using contemplative practices grounded in both faith and science. With over a decade of higher education and practitioner experience, Dr. Amanda specializes in working with faith-based yogis and meditators. She understands your language and knows what truly works in our industry.

Her approach goes beyond superficial promises—she delivers tangible results that transform lives. Whether you're navigating complex trauma or seeking holistic wellness rooted in biblical principles, Dr. Amanda offers insights and tools tailored to your journey. Take the first step towards healing today with a trusted expert who combines deep expertise with a compassionate heart.

Get to know me