
Here’s what you need to know about spiritual entrepreneurship

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Here’s what you need to know about spiritual entrepreneurship

Have you struggled to charge what you’re worth as a healer? Do you desire more time to devote to your spiritual practices and household responsibilities instead of servicing clients? Are you interested in automating your marketing and value delivery system to create passive and scalable income? Spiritual education helps overcome mindset issues surrounding charging for spiritual work. In this issue we discuss:

  • Practical business tools and frameworks to get off the hamster wheel of trading time for dollars
  • How to shift from working in your business to working on your business
  • When to start contracting work out as a solopreneur or spiritual entrepreneur
  • How to flow with Spirit surrounding the spiritual aspect of growing your ministry
  • How to leverage the digital nomad coaching framework for modern initiate courses
  • What to actually focus on in brand development and offer validation
  • Boundaries around social media time paid verse organic marketing and scaling
  • Big faith/law of attraction, reiki, and prayer over your ministry
  • How to treat your ministry like a business without feeling too salesy
  • How to start the digital marketing framework–even on a shoestring budget
  • Practitioner tools to streamline your work week while flowing with intuition
  • Issues of access, inclusion, and marginalization in wellness

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Dr. Amanda Brees

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Meet Dr. AManda Brees, Biblical Naturopath, Pastoral Counselor & Christian Yoga Therapist

Your Guide to Faith-Based Trauma Recovery

Are you seeking a pathway to healing that integrates faith with effective, evidence-based methods? Dr. Amanda Brees is here to guide you through trauma healing using contemplative practices grounded in both faith and science. With over a decade of higher education and practitioner experience, Dr. Amanda specializes in working with faith-based yogis and meditators. She understands your language and knows what truly works in our industry.

Her approach goes beyond superficial promises—she delivers tangible results that transform lives. Whether you're navigating complex trauma or seeking holistic wellness rooted in biblical principles, Dr. Amanda offers insights and tools tailored to your journey. Take the first step towards healing today with a trusted expert who combines deep expertise with a compassionate heart.

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